*** BANNER ADD ***
Some text
Some text
Some text


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This script will allow you to keep content in view even when the user scrolls down the page. It can be usefull for navigation such as the menu on the left so it is always in view no matter how far down the page the user has scrolled. It can also be usefull for adverts that you want to keep visible to the user but still be unobtrusive and not obscure valid content. The banner at the top will cover content but only after the visitor has read what was under the banner and is ready to scroll down. A less intrusive banner is displayed at the right. This uses the right hand column and will always stay in view as the user scrolls. Scroll down this page to see the effect.

Some text
Some text
Some text
Some text
Some text
Some text
Imagine this is a vertical advertisement. It displays information that you want the viewer to always see

and you want the div to always be in view even when the page is scrolled.